Alberto Palacios & Jordi Selfa

Structural transformation is ocurring in the transport sector, which needs cooperation and collaboration between the many different actors in the Mediterranean to exploite the opportunities that arise.

Dr. Ian Borg
Ministry for Transport, Infrastructure and Capital Projects, Government of Malta

Some reflections on this occasion as Malta takes on the Presidency of the Group of Transport Ministers of the Western Mediterranean – GTMO 5+5 for the next two years.

Centre for Transportation Studies for the Western Mediterranean

The Covid-19 impact on economic and social activity was evident from the beginning causing a global contraction of 3.5% of real GDP by 2020, as well as of 3.9% and 6.6% in MENA and EU regions.

Francisco Cardoso dos Reis
IP, Infraestruturas de Portugal

To increase the transport sector’s contribution to economic, social and environmental sustainability, innovation must be at the service of the common good, as well as the environmental, health-related and operational challenges.

Roel Janssens
Working Party on Transport Trends and Economics, UNECE

UNECE has taken different measures to contribute to better decision-making to facilitate the operation of essential transport services during the outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic.

Infrastructure Directorate
AMU, Arab Maghreb Union

The Maghreb countries reacted quickly to their first Covid-19 cases. The impact of the disease was limited and the AMU countries are now dealing with its economic and social consequences.

Andreu Ulied
MCRIT Multicriteria

A strong need has arised for a paradigm shift on transport planning and management, just because of emerging new technologies and life styles and values of new generations.