26th GTMO5+5 experts meeting
The 26th Meeting of the Group of Experts was held in Barcelona on 20 March 2019 with the participation of the experts from the GTMO 5+5 countries. France, Libya, Malta, Mauritania, Morocco, Portugal and Spain participated in the meeting and representatives of Algeria, Italy and Tunisia sent his regrets for being unable to attend. Representatives from the Secretariat of the Union for the Mediterranean (UfMS), the Sociedad Española de Estudios para la Comunicación Fija a través del Estrecho de Gibraltar, S.A. (SECEGSA), the Société Nationale d’Études du Detroit de Gibraltar (SNED) of Morocco and the International Union of Railways (UIC) took part in the meeting as observers. The Escola Europea Intermodal Transport, the Confederación Española de transporte en Autobús (CONFEBUS) and Aena also participated in the meeting.
The main conclusions of the topics discussed in the meeting of experts were the following:
- The organization of the UfM working groups in June 2019 in Barcelona, which will serve to discuss on the evaluation of RTAP 2014-2020 as the basis for RTAP 2021-2027.
- The holding of the conference of heads of state and government regarding the «Summit of the Two Shores» on 24 June 2019 in Marseille. This initiative aim at involving the civil society.
- The summary of the Logismed soft project, completed in February 2019, with the presentation of the main results of its three components: Network, Training and Observatory.
- The adoption of the GTMO 5 + 5 work programme under the Mauritanian presidency.
- Collaboration between UIC and CETMO for the preparation of an inventory on railway transport in Maghreb and a diagnosis of multimodality and interoperability.
- Information on the transport situation in Libya for the group’s knowledge.
- The organization of a workshop regarding the public-private partnership on the road passenger transport, on 9 May 2019 in Barcelona.
- The conference on environmental aspects linked to the motorways of the sea in the Western Mediterranean, to be held on 4 April 2019 in Barcelona.
- Aena’s proposal in the field of training related to access to scholarships for the Master in Airport Systems Management and on-line education.
- The progress of the work on socio-economic and transport analytical documentation in the Strait of Gibraltar within the framework of the agreement signed between SNED, SECEGSA and CETMO.
- The realization of an observatory on maritime transport in Western Mediterranean, for the analysis of the new sector conditions and needs.
- The development of an observatory on the digitalization of transport to contribute to the adaptation of the sector to new technologies.