Transport observatories are instruments for the monitoring and evaluation of transport flows, infrastructures and policies, and are therefore increasingly becoming tools to support decision-making.
A set of observatories is presented below, whose interest from CETMO’s point of view derives from their status as international examples of excellence, as providers of information on the spatial field of interest for the GTMO 5+5 or from their innovative nature.
Observatories of Interest
OTLE – Observatorio del Transporte y la Logística de España
Ministerio de Transportes, Movilidad y Agenda Urbana. Secretaría General de Transportes y Movilidad
The Observatory of Transport and Logistics in Spain provides a global and comprehensive overview of the transport and logistics situation in Spain to facilitate decision-making and ensure transparency of transport and logistics information.
Maritime Economy
SRM Research Center for Economic Studies
The Maritime Economic Observatory includes research, documents, and surveys that are the result of regular and exhaustive monitoring of the economic dynamics related to maritime transport and the main sectors or territories in which the maritime economy plays a key role.
Northern Corridor
Transport Observatory
Northern Corridor Transit and Transport Authority
The Northern Corridor Transport Observatory analyzes transport industry in 2022 in the transport corridors Burundi, DRC, Kenya, Rwanda, South Sudan and Uganda. The observatory covers various modes of transportation, including road, rail, and maritime. In addition, it provides KPI, GIS on-line and regularly updated reports.
Asian Transport
Asian Development Bank; Asian infrastructure
investment bank
The Asian Transport Outlook (ATO) was initiated) to strengthen the knowledge base on transport in the Asia-Pacific region. The ATO also supports Asian governments in transport policy development and delivery. The ATO is an instrument to track the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG), the Paris Agreement and other relevant international agreements on sustainable development in transport.
Observatori de la Logística de Catalunya
The Logistics Observatory consists of a battery of competitiveness indicators that aims to find out the logistics demands of companies and provide information with real and objective parameters on the current and future situation of the logistics sector in Catalonia.
Observatorio Hispano-Francés de Tráfico en los Pirineos
Ministerio de Transportes, Movilidad y Agenda Urbana. Ministère de la Transition écologique et solidaire.
This observatory is the result of the work of the Spanish and French Ministries of Transport. Its objective is to create a permanent instrument for measuring the volume of transport flows at the Pyrenean border, with a common database for both passengers and goods.
Observatorio Estadístico del Transporte Marítimo de Corta Distancia en España
Asociación Española de Promoción del Transporte Marítimo de Corta Distancia
It presents the evolution and trend of short sea shipping, from the point of view of supply and demand. Comparative analysis with road transport.
Observatoire de la Compétitivité des Ports du Maroc
Agence Nationales des Ports du Maroc
The Observatory of the Competitiveness of Moroccan Ports is a platform enabling the port community to monitor the effectiveness and efficiency of its ports on the basis of a common and shared framework of analysis and dissemination in order to contribute to decision-making concerning the Moroccan port system.
Ministerio de Transportes, Movilidad y Agenda Urbana. Instituto da Mobilidade e dos Transportes
Observatory includes the main aspects that characterise cross-border traffic between Spain and Portugal in the period 2016-2020, in terms of passenger and freight transport, and the average daily intensity of light and heavy vehicles on the border between the two countries.
Observatoire Transalpin
des Transports
Département de la Savoie. Agence Alpine des Territoires
The Transalpine Transport Observatory looks at the various aspects of goods traffic across the Alps and provides an overview of the current situation. Its reports provide an overall view of traffic flows and trends in transalpine rail and road freight traffic.
Observatoire Prospectif des Métiers et des Qualifications dans les Transports et la Logistique
The Observatoire Prospectif des Métiers et des Qualifications dans les Transports et la Logistique presents an annual national report on qualitative and quantitative trends in jobs and qualifications. Information on jobs, qualifications and training is gathered from companies and the relevant bodies in every region of France.
Netherlands Institute for Transport Policy Analysis (KiM)
Mobility Report (Mobiliteitsbeeld) of the Netherlands Institute for Transport Policy Analysis examines the development of mobility over the past 10 years and uses scenarios to estimate the possible development of various modes of transport. It also focuses on developments in accessibility, traffic safety, effects of mobility on the living environment and spending on mobility.