Ghazi Ben Ahmed
Mediterranean Development Initiative
The African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) comes at a time of great instability in the North African region, compounded by a pandemic with severe economic and social impacts.
Ghazi Ben Ahmed
Mediterranean Development Initiative
The African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) comes at a time of great instability in the North African region, compounded by a pandemic with severe economic and social impacts.
Paul Tourret
ISEMAR, Institute of Maritime Economics
A dense network of maritime lines interconnects the regions of the Mediterranean basin. The service offer, the environmental performance and the modal complementarity are the elements to be considered for a more efficient network.
Josep Vicent Boira and Matteo Berzi
Spanish Comissioner for the Mediterranean Corridor
There are potential synergies between the Mediterranean Corridor, developed within the TEN-T and Trans-Maghreb Multimodal Corridor (TMC) in the post COVID19 Era.
Michaël Tanchum
AIES, Austrian Institute for European and Security Policy
COVID-19 has reshuffled the deck in the strategic struggle to establish trade transport corridors from Europe to Africa via the Mediterranean basin, where the EU must formulate a coherent and effective policy to take advantage of its location.
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